Winthrop Gardens Memory Cafe

Date(s) - 06/12/2019
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Winthrop Gardens Memory Cafe

Winthrop Gardens


This popular Memory Café is provided for anyone in Wickersley or the surrounding area living with memory problems and their carers.

First Friday of each month between 12noon and 3pm

Friday 6th December – ‘A Festive Afternoon Tea’ – this is a ticket only event for current guests

No Memory Café in January as Winthrop is closed

Friday 7th February 2020 – theme not yet planned!!

We start with home-made soup, sandwiches, cakes and hot drinks

Then – with a different theme each month – we generally have a quiz, find something to sing about and a different activity.

Lots of talking and laughing and the Warmest of Winthrop Welcomes to all our guests

No need to book, open to all, free to attend although donations are always appreciated.
For more information call 07397 039226

This Memory Café is provided by Wickersley Parish Council and funded and run by the Winthrop volunteers with the support of the Rotherham Alzheimer’s Society

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